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Legal Issues
Feb 3, 2017

A Checklist For Caregivers Of The Elderly

Sponsored Content provided by Andrew Olsen - Elder Law Attorney, CSH Law

Elder law attorneys often work with families and caregivers of elderly clients in estate planning, obtaining veterans’ benefits and Medicaid planning. 
While so much of the legal work is focused on the elderly client, this checklist streamlines some legal options for caregivers.

Locate any estate-planning documents of the loved one

The best estate planning anyone can do is obtain a power of attorney and estate plan documents well before they are needed. These “pre-planning” documents have proven to be vital for caregivers when a loved one is later deemed to be incapable of making decisions. Ensure the power of attorney is recorded with the county register of deeds. If a loved one is later deemed incompetent, without a power of attorney in place, caregivers often have no other recourse than to seek a more expensive and time-intensive court-appointed guardianship.

Get access to medical information

A healthcare power of attorney or a HIPAA authorization form will streamline caregivers’ access to medical information. If a caregiver is authorized for HIPAA purposes, medical institutions will permit access to medical information and records. Without one of these documents, caregivers often face steep challenges in gaining access to their loved ones’ medical records.

Veterans’ benefits

If a loved one served as an active duty member of the military, he or she may be eligible for veteran’s benefits. Ask an elder law attorney for a checklist of documents needed to apply for these benefits on behalf of both veterans and their spouses.

Medicaid planning

A common myth is that Medicaid is intended for only poor people.  However, properly drafted estate planning documents, including providing for sufficient gifting powers in a durable power of attorney, can assist a caregiver in applying for Medicaid benefits for a loved one, while also preserving a loved one’s assets.

Care contract

Caregivers give up their personal lives to dedicate their time to caring for a loved one. Some caregivers move across the country and give up careers to care for aging loved ones. In certain circumstances, a care contract between a caregiver and his or her loved one can outline terms and conditions to compensate the caregiver for time and efforts. At the same time, a caregiver should be aware of IRS and Medicaid reasons for declaring this income. In addition, the contracting party should consider procuring workers’ compensation coverage.

Work with a geriatric care professional

When the time comes to transition a loved one into a nursing facility, seek the assistance of a geriatric care professional. These dedicated workers understand medical conditions and work closely with facilities to find the best placement for loved ones. They know the local facilities and can finesse placement in facilities when caregivers often lack the time or ability to place a loved one.

Seek community resources

More and more organizations are offering resources targeted for caregivers. These organizations include Area Agencies on Aging or the Alzheimer’s Association. Also seek information from a physician’s office or access the Eldercare locator at for other community resources.
While caregiving is often a full-time job, with the right legal tools and direction, a caregiver’s work can seem less daunting.

Andrew Olsen is an attorney in the CSH Law Elder Law Practice Group in Wilmington, NC, where he practices in the areas of elder law, estate planning probate, guardianship, alternative dispute resolution, estate and trust litigation, special needs planning and veteran’s benefits. To contact Olsen, call (910) 777-5733 or email him at [email protected].

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