Devon Scott is founder and CEO of Blue Fission, LLC, a tech consultancy in Wilmington, N.C. He has been interested in computers and robotics since seeing the movie Short Circuit. He spent many years entering science fairs and tink
The state of our modern digital landscape has long been characterized as “the information age,” which is extremely appropriate. Never before have we had such accessibility to information, ...
I recently had a conversation with a young man who was referred to me as a career mentee. He is in college for computer science, with skills in programming embedded devices and an impressive passion f ...
My specialty is developing application systems for human wellness and business performance. As one can imagine, this involves monitoring and working with particularly sensitive data. Business activiti ...
If you’re anything like me, almost ever morning begins as a sprint. Bookkeeping followed by a general assessment of business strategy. Several email and phone conversations to make sure any team ...
When Uber driverless cars and Amazon delivery drones are the norm, what will happen to all the drivers and package handlers who were replaced? This is usually the first line of thinking that many come ...
Cal Morgan founded JC Morgan Co., 1904 Eastwood Road, about 15 years ago and has since grown his team to six appraisers...
The rapid pace of technological development combined with a stream of regulations and requirements from the federal government has been stre...
While air travel expansions flourished, some industry indicators began to lag in 2024, and tourism officials expect a "leveling off" trend t...
The 2024 WilmingtonBiz: Book on Business is an annual publication showcasing the Wilmington region as a center of business.