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Dec 15, 2017

Confessions of a Modern-Day Office Computer

Sponsored Content provided by Heather McWhorter - Director, UNCW Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Welcome to Monday morning - power up the fluorescent lighting and percolating coffee pots. It’s 8:45 a.m.

In a few short minutes the elevators will begin delivering loads of tired, stressed “users.” Oh joy, they’re here to begin another week.

Around the water cooler, I hear the things they say. They feel overloaded and no matter how fast they’re working, it’s never fast enough.

Sadly, I know exactly how they feel. 

Hello, my name is PC, and these are the confessions of a modern-day office computer.

My journey began in this office park in 2013. In those days, I felt light, fast and new. Back then, my “user” was happy. This feels like lightyears ago now that it’s 2017. And that’s not an exaggeration when you’re an office computer. I’ve come to understand that best case scenario my life expectancy is five years. Tech support is here for me every other week, so I’ve realized my time is closing in.

Last week, I heard the squeaky cart that comes to take broken equipment away to our electronic graveyard. If only I could talk!

Here’s what I’d shout from this office park rooftop:

  • I’m overloaded! Clearly you must realize how much software, anti-virus programs and updates are weighing me down. There must be a better way of operating. Why is all the load on me? No wonder my life expectancy is so short!
  • I’m torn apart! Since arriving at this office park, you’ve torn me apart and put me back together three times. I’ve been “updated” with extra memory and a new motherboard. Pricey updates have left you grumbling about me and yet I’m still two to three years behind current technology. I simply can’t keep up at this pace.
  • I’m tied down! Every Friday at 4:59 p.m. this office park becomes a ghost town, but here I sit. I hate being tied to this wall. It’s the 21st century - there must be a better way!
But then, something amazing happened. Just as I thought I’d be wheeled away for good, my user got a call from a company called IT Works Wilmington. The gentleman on the phone delivered the earth-shattering news I’ve been waiting to hear.

He said, “The days of data living on your computer hard drive or server are quickly becoming the past and it’s all thanks to something called virtual machine technology.” He went on to say that, “there is no longer the need to replace hardware, servers or even computers for additional storage or speed.”     

Could this really be true?

And then it got even better.

He said, “Using this technology, users can literally work from anywhere, at any time and on any device. Gone are the days of lugging your business laptop to conferences or on vacations. The virtual machine provides users with instant access to your computer desktop.”

Woo hoo, I’m finally going to see the world!

Then the deal-maker came for my user. He told her, “The virtual machine has the capacity to be impervious to ransomware, viruses, malware and hacker attacks since it uses internet with 2048-bit encrypted connection.” 

My user hung up the phone and that squeaky cart? It rolled away without me!

If you are ready for a reliable, secure solution that doesn’t require wheeling your old computers away, then look no further than IT Works Wilmington. We’d love to tell you about why virtual machines are the future-proof solution your business needs today. We’re available to discuss why the time is now to adopt this simple-to-use, flexible and surprisingly affordable technology.

Trust us, if your computer could really talk it would say, “Thank you!”

p.s. So will your wallets.

IT Works Wilmington is the evolution of the office computer. Using virtual machine technology, they are changing the standard office environment. In addition to eliminating expensive office computers and other equipment, IT Works Wilmington puts up to three percent of your gross revenue back into your pocket. They partner with business owners who tired of “business as usual.” They deliver future-proof technology that is reliable, secure, fast and mobile. For more information, visit
Diane Durance, MPA, is director of UNC Wilmington's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE). The CIE is a resource for the start-up and early-stage business community to help diversify the local economy with innovative solutions. For more information, visit

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