Since 2007, TeamLogic IT has become the 36th largest IT service provider globally. Our success is driven through one core mission - to leverage technology for our customers.Thousands of businesses across the US - just like yours h
May 25 is an important deadline for many businesses, and it’s coming up fast. The deadline has to do with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and numerous U.S. businesses have been ...
Have you ever used a voice, visual or text service, either at home or at work? If you have participated in a conference call or sent some type of instant message, then you have probably used a Unif ...
Working with an IT Managed Services Provider (MSP) is like any other relationship – you have to figure out what works best for the two of you. The more information about your business objec ...
Trends can be fun! Using hot new technologies and apps can make you feel like you are on the cutting edge. Adding them to your business can make your work not only easier to manage and complete, bu ...
Everyone loves to feel lucky! You know the feeling when you interview for a new job, negotiated well, and not only get the job but also feel like you were offered some extra perks? It’s like fi ...
Most smart businesses have set up an information technology structure that makes sense to secure their company. But did you know that unless you have clear strategic policies in place to guide the us ...
The list of passwords we need to remember in today’s world grows longer every day. Besides your computer, email and social media accounts, think of all the banking, healthcare and other accou ...
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “in 2017, there were 16 weather and climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each across the United States.&rdqu ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) may sound like something from a sci-fi movie, but chances are you have already interacted with it. If you have ever flown in a plane that uses an automatic pilot feature, ...
If you run any type of business - but especially one that accepts payment, is involved with health care or captures any sort of client information - then start the New Year with a complete compliance ...
Some businesses tend to hold on to their old technology. It may be due to cost, comfort-level with devices and programs that are familiar or feeling that there is no time to research updated alternati ...
As Millennials increasingly make up more of the workforce, and telecommuting increases in popularity, integrating video into your business culture just makes sense. Small to mid-size businesses (SM ...
Many businesses in Wilmington, and even the city itself, are concerned with the environment and continually work toward promoting sustainability. As a business owner, have you ever wondered i ...
Some people are terrified of snakes or spiders. Others are frightened of ghosts and the supernatural. But there’s one thing that scares almost everyone - moving! If you become panic-stri ...
A hint of fall is in the air. Vacations are over, kids are back in school and you are no longer always trying to escape to the beach. The cooler weather seems to give most people more drive and a f ...
If you pay attention to the IT buzz, it seems like everyone has moved to some type of cloud computing. You want your business to be competitive and save money, but is “the Cloud” the ri ...
We all use personal devices - even at work. It has taken a while for companies to switch from seeing this as a problem to realizing the trend is not going away, and it might even help productivity. ...
Almost everyone uses their phone and computer to communicate for work and, let’s face it, for personal use, as well. Sales and customer service teams use email and phone to connect with clients ...
A Managed IT Services Provider (MSP) is a powerful option for small and medium businesses to lower costs, incur less downtime and increase network security. For some businesses, managing IT service ...
Ransomware is malicious software that blocks access to your data and threatens to publish or delete it until you pay a ransom. Simple ransomware can make your system inaccessible in such a way th ...
Hurricane season is here. You may be prepared with shutters to protect your physical space, but do you have an IT backup and recovery plan in place? Data backup and recovery preserves business and ...
With cyber attacks and security leaks making the news lately, it is more important than ever to make sure your business is safe. Malicious software and aggressive viruses can result in network downtim ...
If you own your own business, you probably already know that a useful and reliable Information Technology system is crucial to your overall success. In today’s climate, not only do you need IT s ...
Local Medical School Campus Set To Welcome Largest Ever Doctors-in-training Group
Cece Nunn
Feb 17, 2025
Apprenticeships have been gaining traction at local community colleges....
Local shops, from ice cream shops to distilleries, are teaming up to collaborate on flavors for seasonal menus and treats....
“It’s not a huge market, but it’s not a small market either. There’s enough room for us to have a presence.”...
The 2024 WilmingtonBiz: Book on Business is an annual publication showcasing the Wilmington region as a center of business.