It’s almost trite at this point to say that the workforce landscape has changed. What used to be viewed as an elite job perk for the select few has now become the new normal. With the Great Resignation gaining traction and variant after variant emerging, organizations are embracing the current restructuring trends as well as seeking new ways to integrate remote, hybrid, and in-person work preferences. What we have collectively experienced these last couple of years has shone a light on areas and processes that are simply no longer effective.
Enter the shift from workplace to workspace. Or what we refer to as “hybrid first.” Co-creation, collaboration, and creativity are all being redefined in most industry sectors. Digital platforms are enabling extended teams to more effectively collaborate in new and exciting ways. Improving workspaces has taken a backseat to work experience and work/life balance by creating new collaborative and workflow ecosystems.
These systems represent the intersectionality of people, processes, and technology. The digital applications that facilitate the processes performed by the individuals are allowing new and convenient ways to accommodate unique workstyle preferences, roles, and needs. This flexibility in turn boosts productivity and innovation.
The workplace has become more of a supportive structure for the human work experience; however, it no longer defines it. With digital meeting rooms, collaboration applications, and other cloud services, team members can choose which type of environment works best for them.
Hybrid work allows for increased independence for workers as they can decide for themselves how much in-person connection or collaboration they may need. Some employees prefer the solitude and efficiency of working from home while others need to be in face-to-face environments. Products and services are no longer bound by location or standalone entities.
The core of where work happens now resides within the individual performing the work, rather than the location where that work occurs. Hybrid work options provide a more fluid approach to team collaboration while promoting a culture of inclusion and autonomy.
Navigating this new normal of hybrid first and finding a balance between work and home (or coffee shop!) can prove difficult in certain regards. One disadvantage to the new hybrid and remote work model is that communication can be difficult. To put it differently, communication is key as we embrace the “hybrid first” scenario.
Staying connected, getting your message across effectively, and getting your needs met in a timely manner has never been more important. Going to work has been replaced with doing the work and making sure that teams remain supported and connected is paramount.
How do you motivate your team remotely?
Using the Forté Adapting Updates is the best way to keep your finger on the pulse of your team whether in-person or remotely. Understanding how your team is adapting to these new norms will allow you to enhance the employee experience while maintaining overall operations. Organizations that are able to cultivate and sustain a culture where employees feel valued, included, and autonomous will enjoy greater levels of satisfaction and retention.
Bottom line, Forté helps leaders stay in touch with their teams where they are. Through our Adapting Updates and Team Pulse reports, you can maintain more positive work relationships while ensuring that everyone is getting what they need faster. The reports shine a light on the areas that maybe are not being talked about and walks the team through the solution-seeking process.
The Forté Adapting Update Report identifies how an individual has been adapting to his or her environment over the past 30-day period. Forté also has the ability to longitudinally track and graph how an individual or team is adapting to a specific environment, specific individual, or both.
Contact us to find out more about how we can help you stay in touch with and offer better support for your team.
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